Friday, 23 September 2011

MIXX CANADA 2011 Calgary Monday, Oct. 3

Westin Calgary 320 4th Avenue SW
For ALL Cross-Canada Half-day Roadshow locations:
 8:15am - 9:00am - Breakfast/Networking
9:00am - 12:00pm - Roadshow
Facilitated by Paula Gignac, President, IAB Canada

 Paula Gignac, President of IAB Canada and former Vice President of Rogers Women's Group of Websites, is recognized throughout the industry – not only as a pioneering Web publisher – but also as an award-winning interactive marketer and author of digital marketing programs for clients as diverse as AirMiles, GlaxoSmithKline, Ford, L'Oréal, Proctor + Gamble, Hershey, etc. With more than 15 years of experience in the medium, and an unmatched record of helping clients achieve success in the Online arena, she is a dynamic and compelling speaker who is routinely sought out to inform and inspire marketing teams at blue chip brands such as Coke, P+G, J+J, Kraft and Danone. She is also the creator and chief instructor for IAB Canada's leading-edge, Intensive, One-Day Course in Interactive Marketing and Online Advertising.
Our Cross-Canada, Half-day Roadshow presentations will:
Detail the latest research and trends in digital marketing across:
Display, Search, Video, Social Media, Mobile Marketing

Present updated Canadian Online media usage stats from comScore Canada, and,
Present Advertiser case studies from leading Canadian Online Publishers + Ad Networks including:
Casale Media
Google Canada
Postmedia Network Inc.
Rogers Digital Media
Tribal Fusion
Yahoo! Canada

Tickets: $75

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